Thursday, January 1, 2009

Field of Blood, by Eric Wilson

We all know the story of Judas Iscariot, right? The traitor, who betrayed Christ to the Roman soldiers and benefited from his death. But he hung himself, remember? The field where he hung himself can be known as "Akeldama" or "Field of Blood" (Hence the title). This book is about a girl named Gina Lazarescu who doesn't remember her past and is completely in the dark regarding her future. All she knows is that, somehow, undead creatures known as "Collectors" are after her. These creatures (or "demons", "vampires", whatever you want to call them) were raised by the blood shed by Judas which seeped into the earth-- into burial caves underneath his hanging body. Field of Blood follows Gina in her journey to uncover her past and map out her future.

Eric Wilson is one of my new favorite authors. He used to go to my church, but that's not why. His style of writing is comparable to some of my other favorite authors, Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti. I have to admit, though, I had my reservations about this book. My first reaction was "Christian vampires? How in the world does that work?" Strangely enough, it does work. Wilson always does his research, and this book is actually based on real legends which adds an amazingly real (strange though it may be) feel to his writing. Yes, this book is kind of dark and, yes, t's KILLING me that the next book doesn't come out 'til July.

Massively Huge Thumbs Up!

1 comment:

wilsonwriter said...

Wow! That is such a cool review.

Thanks for taking a chance on what seems like an impossible mix--a vampire book by a Christian?!--and seeing the life that pulses underneath.

Linn-Benton, huh? English major, really? Okay, that deserves another "cool"!